Best Tips & Suggestions for Creating a Sacred Space for Psychic Tarot Readings

Whether you’re trying to learn how to read tarot cards yourself or you’re giving reading to friends, creating a sacred space for tarot readings is imperative, accurate psychics in USA use astrology. You need the spiritual connection before anything else, and, of course, you need to avoid all distractions.

If you’ve ever had a reading in a busy tarot booth right on the promenade in a tourist town, you probably already know how difficult it is to concentrate. It’s the last scenario you need for a reading. That being said, let’s find out how to create the perfect scenario for your reading.

First Considerations for a Sacred Space

Your sacred space should make you feel safe and comfortable. It’s mainly about you and how you feel. It should feel like a little nest, but there are also a few things that shouldn’t be missed from it. For example, you’ll need a table for reading. However, some people also choose to read on the floor.

It depends on what suits you.

While not always a general rule, most psychics recommend facing east when doing a reading. This is the starting point for many things in life. That’s where the sun comes from. Your readings make no exception, either.

Again, different psychics do things differently, but it might be wise to have a little altar or a safe place to keep all your tools, including tarot cards.

Other things you could implement if you resonate with them include fresh herbs, dry herbs, or maybe some essential oils. Cleansing is important, just like your overall comfort.

Fire Is Extremely Powerful

Fire is one of the most powerful elements in the world. When creating a sacred space for tarot readings, fire simply cannot be missed. You don’t have to be a genius to understand its spiritual purpose. And if you look at most depictions of tarot readers, you’ll see them surrounded by candles.

Even a small flame can be an impressive source of energy for your reading. Therefore, if you can get a few candles to illuminate your environment, you’ll be able to cleanse the space, instill good energy, and even focus better.

As you light your candles, focus on the intention of the reading as well as the overall purpose. This isn’t a religious thing but something to do with your energy, so feel free to bless the space as well.

Every reader has a different procedure.

Some keep a few candles nearby. Others read by the candlelight only. No matter what atmosphere you prefer, a flame is essential. You can also invest in scented candles to create a more pleasant atmosphere.

Crystals for Energy

Creating a sacred space for tarot readings also implies using crystals. Different crystals have different energies, so you can try to harness them for your readings.

Stones are crystals that are quite common in pagan procedures. Whether you need them for good luck, protection, or just enhancing energies, you can’t go wrong with a few enhancements in your reading environment.

  • Onyx is excellent for boosting stamina and providing strength.
  • Rose quartz is great for love and peace.
  • Citrine provides good energy and a feel of protection.
  • Jasper is mainly about empowerment.
  • Amethyst showcases clarity, intuition, and a good connection.
  • Tiger eye is protective and has a healing purpose.
  • Clear quartz cleanses the environment and offers clarity.

There are literally hundreds of different stones and crystals out there, each of them with a different energy. You may have to experiment here. Start with crystals based on their energies and capabilities, then see how you feel and adjust.

The Mental Preparation

Infusing spiritual energy into your sacred space for readings is just as important. While physical items and energies can help set the environment, how you feel in there is just as important. If you feel uneasy or uncomfortable, your readings will obviously lack clarity.

A sacred place is meant to boost your focus, but it also requires your mindfulness. When designing such a space for tarot readings, you need room both physically and mentally. Keep in mind that your mental environment is just as important for clarity.

First of all, there shouldn’t be any distractions whatsoever. You need to learn to relax, too. If you keep thinking about bills or some annoying guy from work, that will cloud your clarity during a reading. You need to look into your soul, focus on the universe, and be receptive to tarot cards.

From a different point of view, it pays off to spend quality time in your sacred place too. Learn about tarot cards there. Think about interpretations. Learn or develop new spreads. Treat this area with respect. You can also use it to meditate or read.

Don’t forget about healing or cleansing rituals either, not to mention your mindfulness. All these things will simply work on your psychic capabilities.

Emotional Profile

Last, but not least, creating a sacred space for tarot readings also implies leaving negative baggage at the door.

Take a deep breath and even adopt a few breathing exercises prior to the reading. It will cleanse your emotional space. Focus on breathing out harmony and love.

Whether you read for yourself, a friend, or even a client, you need to build some rapport. Mention a few things about tarot. Ask them if they’ve had readings before. Talk about themselves or even about the experience they’re about to go through.

When you perform a reading for someone else, it’s just as important to ensure they feel comfortable and easy, too. If they feel uneasy energy, it will quickly affect you as well. At some point, you might be able to feel it, and that will cloud the messages you receive from the universe.

In the end, creating a sacred space for tarot readings starts with the physical elements, but it goes way further than that. You need a spiritual, emotional, and mental approach as well because all these things will reflect on your clarity during a reading.

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